Wednesday, November 16, 2011

CFRD you're a thorn in my side

As of late my CFRD (Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes) has been a real struggle. CFRD is its own class of diabetes and has been a big struggle in my life to maintain since I was 13.

Diabetes in people without CF is known as either Type 1 or Type 2. Type 1 the body can't make insulin, whereas, Type 2 the body lacks normal responses to the insulin and doesn't make enough of it. With CFRD the body can't make or use insulin. Unfortunately, CFRD affects roughly 15% of CFer's. CFRD is also diagnosed and treated very differently than diabetes found in people without CF.

CFRD has some features that are found in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Just as with Type 1 diabetes the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, therefore, people with CF have insulin deficiency which is most likely a result of scars in the pancreas because of thick mucus. Some people with CF get diabetes because they are insulin resistant, meaning that the cells in the body don't use insulin the right way so more insulin is needed keep blood sugars managed.

My struggle with it is that I really hate testing my blood sugar levels and giving myself insulin shots. I can take oral medications all day long but this diabetes thing has always been a thorn in my side. When I was first diagnosed at 13 I did take insulin with each meal (or least I was supposed to) but I had a difficult time incorporating that with all my other medications and treatments. So, my physicians found an oral drug that  I could use along with regular exercise. This worked for years, probably because of my level of physical activity. Taking oral pill alone stopped working about 7 years ago for which my physicians placed me on a once a day insulin called Lantus which is a long-acting insulin.

Mind-you, my sweet dear physicians were sort coddling me. What I really needed was some good old insulin with each meal sort of a regime. I sort of had to face that with having my G-tube placed because I need insulin to cover the massive intake while sleeping. I began taking two different insulin's at the start of my feeding tube cycle, then the Lantus in the morning and continued with the oral for meals. Over the past few months it has become apparent that the oral is simply not working. I am now adding yet another insulin that must be done with each meal. That take my insulin tally up to 4 different kinds.

I will find away to incorporate this. I must.


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